If you are searching for answers on what exactly Kubernetes is, how it works, and why it is so beneficial to the management of modern web/cloud applications, look no further – at PSI we love to use Kubernetes while developing web & cloud applications, so we’re going to help answer those questions for you.
V.P. of Operations at PSI, Casandra Mann, explains what exactly Kubernetes is, how it works, and why it is so beneficial to the management of modern web/cloud applications.

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We love to bring you helpful content. To do so, our marketing team spends a lot of time talking with and eavesdropping on our software engineers. We rely on our software engineering experts to know the latest and greatest technology and software engineering best practices. So, when we heard our cloud team talking about Kubernetes we had to learn more. Kubernetes is more than just a fun and silly word – it’s an incredibly useful and helpful tool. Primarily, it is used in cloud development.


Simply put, Kubernetes run cloud web services and allow for better management of computer resources by taking care of a lot of the otherwise manual work involved with managing modern web/cloud applications. Technically speaking, Kubernetes is an open-source system – which simply means freely available software where the source code is open to the public.

More on Pros and Cons of Open Source Software ⬇️

Kubernetes’ open source system is primarily designed for two things, the first is automating deployment – which is simply having an automatic deployment of software at the push of a button with less hands on work. The other main purpose of Kubernetes is to scale containerized applications (containers allow an application and its dependencies to be isolated from the host Operating System that it runs on, so they are able to run in any environment.) Kubernetes works in a cluster environment – a cluster is just a group of network connected computers. So from a high level, Kubernetes allows users to manage compute resources on a more granular scale, handling the work of scheduling containers on a cluster to manage the workloads and ensure they run as intended. Basically, it takes care of a lot of the otherwise manual work involved.

Benefits of Using Kubernetes

What Happens Without Kubernetes?

Without Kubernetes, it’s up to the developers to manage the microservices in the given application manually. This means handling container deployment, load balancing, scaling, and other lifecycle management. The use of Kubernetes can make the software development process a little bit harder because you have to go through the extra step of containerizing your application – But with that extra effort comes many great benefits.

Less Monoliths

For one, Kubernetes are actually a great way to get away from building monoliths – a single-tiered, end-to-end solution in which all software components are bundled into a single unit. Often times, a monolithic application grows too large and difficult to continue to manage as a single codebase. Instead, the use of Kubernetes helps facilitate building more modular code – such as microservices, which are smaller, independently deployable services that support a larger project.

Efficient Project Management

By splitting an application into several smaller pieces, each with its own logic and deployment lifecycle, a growing project becomes more manageable. This is where Kubernetes comes in. While microservices help compartmentalize the complexity of a modern application, they need to be managed as well. The best way to accomplish this is through an automation platform, i.e. Kubernetes. Kubernetes orchestrates the management, scaling, and deployment of all the microservices making up an application.

Additional Features

Kubernetes also provides features such as various types of update strategies, application monitoring and health checks. It can reduce development and release timeframes after the initial containerization effort has been taken, and provides increased software scalability and availability as well as cloud migration paths as all major cloud provider offer Kubernetes support.

How Does Kubernetes Benefit Project Management?

Utilizing the Kubernetes application promotes agile software development, testable code, and continuous deployment – all of which contribute to a better day-to-day for developers, easing development for engineers by providing autonomy in supporting specific microservices

Kubernetes allows for flexibility in environments, meaning companies are free to deploy applications wherever and however they prefer (e.g. on-premise, private cloud, public cloud, hybrid environments, etc.) It also offers a level of reliability, availability, and security that helps reduce risk and bolster the overall trustworthiness of an application and, by extension, the developers behind it. More efficient development leads to meeting milestones in a timely manner and a faster speed to market.


With the use of Kubernetes becoming more mainstream, we hope that the information we shared today helps you better understand what Kubernetes is and how it can be beneficial to you while managing the development of your next web or cloud application.

If you are searching for an experienced software development team to engineer your next web or cloud app, PSI is here to help!

You can contact us through our email info@psi-software.com or get started below


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