How does Kubernetes Simplify the Management of Your Application?

If you are searching for answers on what exactly Kubernetes is, how it works, and why it is so beneficial to the management of modern web/cloud applications, look no further – at PSI we love to use Kubernetes while developing web & cloud applications, so we’re going to help answer those questions for you.   […]
Web Apps vs Mobile Apps – Key Differences

When it comes to developing a meaningful and useful product, it’s important to consider the way in which users will interact with your product or system – AND what’s the most efficient way to deliver that user experience. Product developers must evaluate the effectiveness of their technology and, for some, decide between use of a […]
Android Software Development Tips for Beginners

Is your team is considering creating a companion mobile application for a microprocessor-based product you recently developed and are looking to you for guidance related to design and development? Whether you are an inexperienced software engineer, or have years of experience in areas like embedded development, these Android software development tips can help you hit […]